‘He sent down rain upon you from the sky that He might thereby cleanse you and take away the pollution of Satan from you and strengthen your hearts and steady your feet’.
(Al anfal: 11)
The importance of water is undeniable. The onset of this life is the water. The body of an adult human being contains 70% water. The brain contains 74% water, blood contains 75% water, and bone contains 22% water, teeth, 5% water, the liver, 69% water, while the kidney contains 82% water. You can live without food for several weeks, but without water we will be dehydrated and died within a few days. With only lose 2% of water around the cell can cause lack of energy levels by 20% and disabling mitochondria which considered as the energy factories in our bodies.
The human body contains 6 trillion cells, each of which is floating and filled with fluid. Water hydrates and channels to the millions of cells, and is necessary for more than 90% of biological and chemical processes that occur in the body. Without water, blood cannot flow, oxygen and nutrients cannot be transported, waste residues could not be excreted and organs as well as body processes cannot function smoothly.
According to Nobel Prize Winner, Dr Alexis Carrel, cells do not have to degenerate or die. It is the fluid surrounding the cells that degenerates. If you renew that fluid regularly, the pulsation of life can go on forever.
1. Break down and helps in the absorption of food nutrients to be supplied to the cells.
2. Assist the removal of metabolic wastes.
3. Regulate blood viscosity.
4. As a lubricant to reduce friction between the joints.
5. Regulate body temperature, blood pressure and pH of the body.
6. Reducing stress in the body to coordinate imbalances in the kidneys and spleen caused by stress.
7. Protects moisture and elasticity of the skin and slow the aging process.
In life, we need 'living water' which has key features of clinical and scientific evidence from research aspects such as water features found on the zamzam water.
Unpolluted natural water is healthy, clean and resistant to disease-causing microbes. More precise reasons for this have not been identified, but a study in the Adolfo Lutz Institute in Sao Paulo, Brazil shows that living water inhibits the proliferation of many types of microbes.
Body cells vibrate and move to a complex system in harmonic frequencies. Vibration of life enables cells to communicate to each other and perform biological and chemical exchange. Any disruption of this harmonic vibration can cause pain, discomfort and disease.
Living water resonates with the energetic vibrations of your body. When you drink the living water, it amplifies and maintains your life force. Drinking dead water is on the other hand, has a detrimental effect because your body has to expend precious energy for "turning" and give it energy before it can be used for bodily functions.
Oxygen is the fuel of life; the higher concentrations of oxygen you have, the better your body functions thereby making you healthier. Most of us think that we only obtain oxygen only through the air, but actually oxygen from water offers a much more direct route to our cells. Oxygen in our drinking water may penetrate blood in 30 seconds, the brain for a minute, the skin for 10 minutes while the liver, heart and kidneys in 20 minutes!
As water moves through the earth, it gathers minerals and identified minerals are needed to conduct and generate billions of tiny electrical impulses in the body. Without these impulses, not a single muscle, including your heart, can function or the development and refurbishment be carried out. Dr. Linus Pauling, winner of two Nobel Prizes, stated: "You can trace every sickness, every disease and every ailment to a mineral deficiency".
Minerals and detected minerals in water are the best for you because they are in ionic form - the form most bio-available to your cells (better than colloidal minerals).
The unique combination of miracle minerals and Zam Zam water and therapy from Al-Quran verse & Doa appears to have produced a drink that will spark a new phenomenon in the tradition of health drinking water which will see more solutions to the public health problems of human today.
The secret of ARYAN drink lies in its unique combination of
ZAM ZAM WATER and Therapy From Al-Quran verse and Doa
A unique and energetic drinks No.1 in the world appears to have the best ingredients and supreme (except zam-zam water). The key strengths and greatness of ARYAN water content lies on the ENERGY and THERAPY. The content of ARYAN water is clear in overcoming all energy water and water health products in the market.
The combination of secret ingredients ARYAN has digested the meaning of drinking water in our daily lives. Indeed, ARYAN have revolutionized the drinking water function for fitness and healing.
The combination of the ingredients are : zam-zam water ,Vibration Theraphy with AL-Quran verse and Special Doa a new benchmark for the type of drinking water that should we drink.
A combination of unique items and hardly be found will prove to has formed fusion cell in the body activities. Function of the mitochondria enhanced power plants up to many thousands of times, and natural killer (NK) in the body is also enhanced to strengthen the functions of the ENERGY and THERAPY to a person.
ARYAN with ZAM –ZAM water
According to the opinion of the researchers and scholars, there are 12 special things about zam-zam water are:
1. Satiated
2. Freshen
3. Lots of benefit
4. Healthy
5. Blessing
6. Medical therapy
7. Goodness
8. Replenish
9. Quench the thirst
10. Healing
11. Strong the legs
12. Forgiveness
Prophet s.a.w. said: means "Zam-zam water is consumed by what was intended or required".
(Narrated Jabir, lbnu Abbas, lbnu Umar and Muawiya)
(Narrated Jabir, lbnu Abbas, lbnu Umar and Muawiya)
The members of the scholars have expanded their description of the above hadith. Al-Munawa Rahimahullah Ta'ala says: "Zam-Zam water is the prince of all the water, the most noble, the most valuable and dearest. Allah Ta’ala gave drinking and helped son of Abraham, Prophet Ismail bin Abraham with the Zam-zam water. So it was that such assistance can be obtained by those who are after him that is for anyone who drink it in good faith, including us. Many scholars have been drinking it for any need, and they are successfully got. "
as mentioned by the authors of al-'Aqdus Sameen, that Ahmad bin Abdillah Ash-Syarifee, a servant in the Holy Lands of Mecca drank Zam-zam water with the intent and purpose for the treatment of
blindness. Then (with the the permission of Allah), he was cured. According to the author of this book again, that this news is brought by the teacher, al-Fufti Abdul Rahman bin Abil Khairal-Fasi.
Aryan with jemaah Umrah in Madinnah,Saudi Arabia.
Al-'Allamah lbnul-Qayyim al-Jauziah said: “Others and I have already tried treatment with Zam-zam water. I have been medicated with it on many diseases, and heal with God's permission. So also I have seen people that replace regular meals with Zam-zam water nearly half a month or more, but do not feel hungry. In fact, he also circumambulates with other peoples, able to mix his wife and fasting ".
Al-'Allamah add: "It happened to me while in Mecca, I fell to ill, and at that time it was really lack of medicines and doctors. So I was medicated by myself with al-Fatihah. I have taken the water of Zam-zam, and I read over it again and again, then I drink, and I found the perfect cure. Since then I do on many diseases and they provide the greatest benefit. "(See Zadul Ma'ad 4 / 718).
Al-Hakim said: "Abu Bakr Muhammad Ibn Ja'far was talking about lbn Khuzaymah (lbnu Khuzaymah was a great scholar), he said:" I have heard people ask lbnu Khuzaymah: "Where did you acquire the knowledge?" lbnu Khuzaymah Answering: "(not) Prophet Muhammad once said: “Zam-zam water is consumed by what was intended" (See Sairul A'Iam an-Nubala 14/370).
If observed deeply the description above, it is obviously very important of the intention and a sincerely faith in taking the drink. It is ineffective to drink just simply as without the intention and without confidence on iradat and nature of ALLAH that fulfill our desires. Because drinking zam-zam water without of intention and belief may just not working accordance with intent and purposes of the above hadith.
Aryan with jemaah Umrah in Madinnah,Saudi Arabia.
The ionic mineral supplements in ARYAN is 'sub-atomic particles’ scaled have a very fast absorption due to the cells become very thin to facilitate the synergy of nutrients to the body for the purpose of totally healing and health. ARYAN appears provides the essential of vitamins and minerals for blood circulation and lymphatic system that links all the body’s systems. Water, vitamins, minerals and other nutrients absorbed in the capillary walls while cleaning and feeds the existing cells (Bioenergy cells). The easily soluble ionic minerals will produce the osmotic and electromagnetic pressure that facilitates a variety of nutrients exchanged through capillaries and cells wall.
1. ARYAN activate the water molecule, breaking the cluster and makes the water molecules becomes very small (2000 times smaller than red blood cells) and this facilitates the absorption of minerals and breakdowns the mineral to activate the body's metabolism.
2. ARYAN neutralize all kinds of acids and chemicals found in drinking water.
3. The Sign of Sunnah combinations in ARYAN enhance the electrons energy and do programming electrons again on the drinking water to give maximum effect to the body’s electrolyte.
4. ARYAN is the perfect detoxifying agent work as removing all the negative effects of food and environmental contamination.
5. ARYAN makes your blood as 'most efficient’ oxygen transport system. Enough and high oxygenated blood is the healthy blood and the insulation to all forms of diseases such as cardiovascular disease (heart disease) and cancer. Highly oxygenated blood will also speed up the recovery process and healing of chronic diseases.
6. ARYAN as a catalyst to establish a balance (equilibrium) between calcium and iodine in the thyroid for the skinny or obese people.
7. ARYAN will rejuvenate the skin, give more softness and youthful as the water neutralize and forming highly alkaline and be a rejuvenation agent (revive the cells) with very effective.
ARYAN activates the mitochondria and makes the body has a high hydroelectric potential. This will enable the heart reorganized and reduce blood pressure to normal. The usage of energy by the body will be compiled based on individual's energy needs
Aryan with jemaah Umrah in Madinnah,Saudi Arabia,Mac 2013
1. Have 84 types of minerals that found in Zam Zam water
2. Maintain blood pressure
3. Increase body strength and oxygen in the body
4. Strengthen the bone structure (calcium)
5. Cardiovascular
3. Increase body strength and oxygen in the body
4. Strengthen the bone structure (calcium)
5. Cardiovascular
6. Stroke, migraine, diabetes, hypertension, gout, kidney stones
7. Beautiful and healthy skin and internal body
7. Beautiful and healthy skin and internal body
8. Dissolve clots of red blood cells
9. Elastic blood vessels
9. Elastic blood vessels
10. Dissolving any accumulation of calcium in the blood
11. Supplying Mineral in the form of a balanced ionic
12. Adjusting the smoothness of the nervous system
13. Helping cells reforming
14. Assist the movement of intestinal muscles
15. Mineral balance synergizes the better metabolic systems
16. Solve the health problems caused by mineral imbalance
17. Help better absorption of vitamin
18. Assist in healing skin diseases
13. Helping cells reforming
14. Assist the movement of intestinal muscles
15. Mineral balance synergizes the better metabolic systems
16. Solve the health problems caused by mineral imbalance
17. Help better absorption of vitamin
18. Assist in healing skin diseases
19. Helps strengthen inner energy
"I have used over 5000 gallons of alkaline water in almost all types of health problems and it is very useful and effective”.
(Dr. Theodorebaroody, author of Alkalize or Die)
"By drinking water, times of aging can be slowed.”
(Dr. Robert Atkins)
In general, the combination of mineral crystals salt ,Zam Zam water and Theraphy Al-Quran verse and Doa has assimilated a very great revolution within the framework of efforts to translate the daily drinking water to a form of very impressive bio-cell energy drinks.
The components of a in ARYAN makes ARYAN drinks become the number one form of health drinks in the world today. As we know that minerals was important for the survival of biological systems of the body.
Tissues of all living things are made up of four main elements: oxygen, hydrogen, carbon and nitrogen. Four of these elements are the main constituent of fats, proteins, carbohydrates and water, the main compounds of animal and human tissues. When human and animal tissue is burned, the gas is released. The remaining ash is residual minerals contained in the tissues.
Arya full contribute in Penang Space Festival with NASA,Nov 2012
With Peter Falcon Globe Instuctor Jet Propulsion Laboratory.
Bones, teeth, nails, skin, hair and all other tissues require minerals for their formation. The same minerals are also playing a role in body functions, such as energy production and control of body systems. When these elements are lacking, the result is a structural weakness and "system dysfunction" or in other words, disease. Lack of a level of mineral may not mean deficient, but is actually a high level of other minerals hit a level of one another by interference in mineral absorption.
The main Minerals: the quantity of tissue requires a lot of some minerals such as calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, chloride, potassium and sulfur. These minerals are needed in large quantities is called macro-minerals.
People of today live in modern and busiest lifestyle and everything is moving fast. This gives not much time for us taking the balance food with enough nutrients in our diet. That is why for the side diet, we need the essential of vitamin and minerals. Therefore, it is vital for us to get the product of high quality in the form of easily and quickly absorbed to our body. So here, ARYAN appears to fill the void we leave in our daily diet.
Aryan full contribute in Penang Space Festival with NASA in USM Penang,Nov 2012
With Jaya Bajpayee,Programme Executive,Operating Mission & Physic Division NASA Headquarters.
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